Our History
The Platform
For more than 10 years certifying environmental projects of environmental recovery, carbon neutralization and promoting environmental responsibility.
Our History
The Business Platform for Environmental and Ecosystem Goods and Services (PNBSAE) was created in 2012 with the aim of promoting the Green Economy in Mato Grosso and is initially responsible for implementing the State's voluntary GHG Program.
It works as a meeting place for all those interested in combating climate change, and they provide certification seals to participants, as a way of publicizing the actions they take in this regard.
PNBSAE is the first environmental asset management platform in Latin America. Its main characteristic is innovation and a focus on the sustainability of the Brazilian productive sector.
Having as objectives I) Promoting the green economy through sustainable development; II) Establish a business environment for the recovery and conservation of ecosystems and the commercialization of carbon credits; III) Provide incentives and project development that generate results with economic, social and environmental benefits that are measurable, reportable and verifiable.
To date, they have been issued 492,208 tCO2e certified, validated and verified, 65,084 tCO2e inventoried, published and registered and 58,732 tCO2e neutralized.
Green Action Institute
Instituto Ação Verde is an OSCIP created in 2007 by several institutions and maintained by: Federation of Industries of the State of Mato Grosso (FIEMT), Union of Sugar and Alcohol Industries of Mato Grosso (SINDALCOOL) and Association of Soybean Producers of Mato Grosso (APROSOJA) .
The Institute's activities consist of promoting, implementing and certifying environmental and social actions in the productive sector, demonstrating the environmental concern of agribusiness with environmental issues.
The main objective is to facilitate companies' access to projects developed to mitigate climate change, providing a service that guarantees transparency, reliability, traceability and credibility for the carbon credits transacted.
Initial Projects
The Verde Rio project had its carbon credits calculated, and in 2011, Instituto Ação Verde had already started its carbon credit bank, which would become the PNBSAE.
UNIMED, in 2011, was one of 19 companies to receive the “Live Forest – Neutral Carbon” seal, in recognition of the positive results of neutralizing greenhouse gas emissions.
International recognition
The Platform was presented at Rio+20, the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development, with support from the Confederation of Agriculture and Livestock of Brazil (CNA) and the Federation of Agriculture and Livestock of Mato Grosso (Famato).
Not only Mato Grosso, but all of Brazil
On May 24, 2012, starting its operations presenting an offer of PINs totaling more than 5 million tCO2eq from projects in 7 Brazilian states (Mato Grosso, Mato Grosso do Sul, Pará, Paraná, Santa Catarina, Bahia and Minas Gerais). Around 500 thousand tCO2eq already sold and certified, and something like 2 million tCO2eq under negotiation. On May 22, 2012, the work on the Cartesian wells of the first two communities to receive resources from carbon credits from the reduction of emissions and the increase in forest carbon sequestration and stock was delivered.

The PNBSAE is supported by the following institutions:

Our team
PNBSAE has a multidisciplinary team of specialists in the environment, forestry engineering and environmental management.

Álvaro Leite

Vicente Falcão
Project consultant